Professional Development for Math Educators
Effective teacher practice is refined through a structured, collaborative effort among teachers within the school system.
We offer professional learning sessions to deepen teacher knowledge of pedagogy and content and sessions to guide district leaders to effectively support this type of teaching. Our professional development protocols assume that good teaching can be learned, and that such learning depends on district structures that facilitate ongoing professional learning.
Our learning and content experts have experience designing and delivering PD virtually and in person. We can customize sessions to meet your district’s needs.
Mathematics Professional Learning Sessions
Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
Advanced Mathematical Decision Making (AMDM), also known as Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (AQR), covers a range of mathematics topics presented in applied contexts, including statistics and finance, that develop students’ college and career readiness skills.
During this institute, you will experience selected student activities and course projects from the perspectives of both a learner and a teacher. You will network with participants from other high schools and collaborate on how to facilitate and assess student learning using the course’s instructional model.
Fill out this form for more information, and our staff will get back to you shortly.
A Study of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
This online course is designed for your district’s K–12 mathematics teachers and leaders. Through this course, you will work toward a deep understanding of the purpose, intent, depth, and clarity of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The course is also designed to foster a commitment to—and a sense of urgency about—engaging in an ongoing study of the standards throughout your school and district so that instruction can be aligned with the standards.
Participants will practice using Dana Center tools to explore the horizontal and vertical alignment of the standards. These tools can be leveraged among groups of teachers to build a common understanding of the standards and to strengthen systemwide capacity for understanding the standards and aligning the instructional program to them.
Participants should be able to complete the course in about three hours a week.
Navigating and Understanding the Mathematics TEKS
In this session, you will have the opportunity to delve deeply into the revised Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Mathematics to gain a robust understanding of the purpose, intent, and depth of the standards. Participants should select the session that uses examples appropriate for their grade level.
Together, we can explore and answer such questions as:
- What brings together the material taught, assessed, and learned in your classroom?
- How do you know what you should be teaching?
- Do you want to explore different ways you can meet state standards and help your students excel in math?
This session is designed to foster a commitment to—and a sense of urgency about—engaging in an ongoing study of the standards throughout your school and your district so that mathematics instruction can be aligned with the standards.
Participants will practice using Dana Center tools to explore the horizontal (across concepts) and vertical (across grades or courses) alignment of the standards. These tools can be used collaboratively by groups of teachers to build a common understanding of the standards and to align the instructional program to them. Participants will master the tools needed to take the next steps toward implementing the standards in the classroom to help students succeed in mathematics.
Join us to master the tools necessary for successful implementation of the TEKS and learn how you can use them to your advantage to enhance your classroom’s learning environment.
Using the Mathematical Process Standards to Reach the STAARS
Is there more to math than the math? The design of our TEKS not only discusses the math content but also process standards.
- Why are the process standards in EVERY grade level?
- How do the process standards influence our pedagogy?
- Where did these process standards come from?
The placement of the process standards at the beginning of the knowledge and skills listed for each grade and course is intentional. The process standards weave the other knowledge and skills together. The process standards are integrated at every grade level and course.
It is through these process standards that students build habits of mind; these standards also create an atmosphere of thinking and reasoning in the classroom. Come find ways to reinvigorate your classroom around the content you already know and use.
This session will share ideas about planning instruction with the process standards. Participants will identify high-quality tasks and purposeful questions that promote reasoning and problem solving. Discourse will be fostered through hands-on investigations with high cognitive demand.
Get in Touch
We collaborate with state districts and teachers to develop innovative curricula, resources, and professional development.