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New Tool to Help Students Stay On Track and On Time in Mathematics

March 25, 2022|By Josh Recio

Remediation that delays the learning of appropriate grade-level mathematics can be detrimental for students. Too often, well-intentioned educators feel a need to teach lower level content before allowing students to accelerate through their necessary coursework. We believe that with the right supports, students can be successful in rigorous math pathways and avoid enrolling in courses that are intended to be remedial. Cover of Launch Years On Track On Time Tool

The Launch Years initiative seeks to usher in a new paradigm to support students for college preparation and guide them through pathways for degree attainment, specifically focusing on the transition from junior year of high school through junior year of college. We recognized a growing need to provide districts and schools with resources that help students navigate their math course sequences and continue to learn on-level content. 

The Launch Years On Track, On Time tool offers strategies to help students stay engaged in their learning and remain on track for academic course completion. Centering students’ goals as drivers of their own math pathways and experiences, this tool provides a variety of approaches for avoiding traditional prerequisite remediation. 

In addition to specific actions that schools and districts can utilize to keep students enrolled in on-level math, the tool contains a plan for keeping students on track in newly developed courses. The Launch Years On Track, On Time tool uses data science as a model, but the actions listed in the tool can be implemented for other courses as well, especially as institutions promote new courses that are more modern and relevant. 

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Categories: Blog, Curriculum, Launch Years

About the Author

Josh Recio

My father spent his career as a math teacher and baseball coach. So, naturally, I began calculating my own stats in little league. My appreciation for data (and baseball) has continued throughout my life. Teaching high school math, including statistics, and continuing into district level work and now as a course program specialist with the Dana Center has allowed me an opportunity to work with some truly inspiring people.