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New Case Studies: Two Large Urban Districts’ Experiences With UMLN

April 3, 2018|By Dana Center Communications

It’s human nature to see challenges and opportunities in your local classroom or school or district as unique.

And to some degree, that’s true. But through regular Urban Mathematics Leadership Network convenings, mathematics leaders in large urban districts across the U.S. have met face-to-face, developed relationships, and engaged with each other around meaningful issues common across their districts.

The UMLN, founded by the Dana Center in 2004, brings together mathematics leaders to learn from each other and create common solutions to common problems. In these convenings, district leaders work with each other and learn from the Dana Center (and invited experts), while Dana Center staff learn from the district leaders. This symbiosis facilitates learning for all participants.

Check out these case studies to learn more about how participating in UMLN influenced the work in Achievement First Public Charter Schools and the School District of Philadelphia.

About the Urban Mathematics Leadership Network

man speaking at umln conference The Urban Mathematics Leadership Network (UMLN), founded by the Dana Center in 2004, brings together mathematics leaders from large urban districts from around the country to create common solutions to common problems. UMLN is now one of three networks that make up the Urban District Leadership Networks (UDLN), together with the Urban Literacy Leadership Network and the Chief Academic Officers network—both of which are led by the Aspen Institute Program on Education and Society. The UMLN functions as a collaborative space for reflection on district practices and as an important partner in developing and disseminating effective strategies and research-based tools.


About the Dana Center

Uri at ULMN ConferenceThe Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin works with our nation’s education systems to ensure that every student leaves school prepared for success in postsecondary education and the contemporary workplace. Our work, grounded in research and two decades of experience, focuses on K–16 mathematics and science education — with an emphasis on strategies for improving student engagement, motivation, persistence, and achievement. We develop innovative curricula, tools, protocols, and instructional supports and deliver powerful instructional and leadership development.