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molly-ewig-math-educator-mentor-coachMolly Ewing, M.P.Aff.
Professional Learning and Implementation Specialist


Dana Center Role

Molly works within local and state educational systems to ensure every student has access to an excellent science education. Using current research on science teaching and learning, Molly designs, develops, and facilitates professional development for science teachers and leaders. By collaborating with districts and states, she helps to address their specific concerns at a system level, capitalizing on their unique resources.

Before Joining the Dana Center

Prior to joining the Dana Center, Molly was a Graduate Teaching Fellow and Research Assistant for The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Previously, Molly was an Independent Science Education Consultant, specializing in helping to improve science instructional materials at all stages of development.

Molly also worked for Achieve, Inc., as a Senior Program Assistant in science where she supported states in the creation, adoption and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). She led the development of the EQuIP Rubric for Science to assess the quality of instructional resources designed for the NGSS.

Molly was also a Pilot Coordinator for the Dana Center and a teacher of both Geometry and Algebra II for the Leander Independent School District in Texas.


M.P.Aff., LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
B.S., Applied Learning Development, The University of Texas at Austin

Selected Professional Activities

Contributor, NextGenScience: Key Takeaways from the Early Years of Transforming Science Education for the Next Generation (2020)

Participant, Delphi Study: Engineering in K–12 Education (2020)

Advisor, New Visions for Public Schools: Instructional Routines in Science (2019)

Educator Advisor, Ed Reports: Gateway Three (2019)

Contributor, Task Annotation Project in Science (2018)

Reviewer, Journal of Research in Science Teaching (2017–2019)

Reviewer, National Association of Research in Science Teaching (2018)

Selected Publications

Ewing, M., & Sadler, T. (2020). Socio-scientific issues instruction: An interdisciplinary approach to increase relevance and systems-thinking. The Science Teacher, 88(2), 18–21.

Henderson, G. E., Ewing, M., Kuczynski, K. J., Cadigan, R. J., Waltz, M., Butterfield, R. M., Rini, C., Weck, K., Berg, J. S., & Edwards, T. P. (2020). Development and validation of a measure of comprehension of genomic screening—negative results (CoG-NR). European Journal of Human Genetics, 28(10), 1394–1402.

Ewing, M. (2017). Next Generation Science Standards, lessons learned from the NGSS early implementer districts: Professional learning. Washington, DC: Achieve, Inc.

Ewing, M. (2017). Next Generation Science Standards, lessons learned from the NGSS early implementer districts: Instructional materials. Washington, DC: Achieve, Inc.

Ewing, M. (2015). EQuIP-ped for Success. The Science Teacher, 82(1), 53–55.

Codeveloped Professional Learning

Pathway to Practice Teacher Training Course: Science Education (emergency certification)

Selected Presentations

Contrasting case study of biology students’ reflections on coursework approach and exam preparation. Poster to be presented at the Division 15 Presidential Poster Session of the American Psychological Association Virtual Conference (August, 2020).

Crosscutting concepts for equity. Presented at the DC NGSS Summit, Washington, DC (January 2020).

Crosscutting concepts in instructional materials. Presented to the Science Peer Review Panel, Nashville, TN (November, 2019).

Making claims of student understanding across a variety of classroom assessments. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual international conference, Baltimore, MD (April 2019).

Examining the impact of a science curriculum: Establishing causality without a comparison group. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Toronto, Canada (April 2019).